When inserting data, can we combine the following requirements into one sql statement?
1, determine whether the data exists;
2, there is no insertion;
3, then query the id field value of the data
淡淡烟草味2017-07-04 13:45:40
Probably not possible, you have to do two queries separately, one query and one insert. Unless you call a stored procedure. The stored procedure should be able to achieve your needs
阿神2017-07-04 13:45:40
Use insert if not exists
INSERT INTO table(field1, field2, fieldn) SELECT 'field1', 'field2', 'fieldn' FROM DUAL WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT field FROM table WHERE field = ?)
世界只因有你2017-07-04 13:45:40
Mysql can use REPLACE INTO, but it must have a unique index as a condition, but I have not used this, I feel it is more reliable to do it step by step