How to understand =, == and === in JavaScript, and how to clarify the relationship between these three?
大家讲道理2017-06-30 10:00:46
: assignment operation
: Used to determine whether two values are equal, but the determination here is the result of implicit conversion. For example
1 == '1'; // true
1 == true; // true
0 == false; // true
: It is also used to determine whether two values are equal, but there is no implicit conversion process, but a direct judgment, so it is also called absolute equality/congruence.
1 === '1'; // false
1 === true; // false
0 === false; // false
1. For basic types such as string and number, there is a difference between == and ===
Comparison between different types, == compares "values converted into the same type" to see if the "values" are equal, ===if the types are different, the result will be unequal
Same type comparison, direct "value" comparison, the result will be the same
2. For advanced types such as Array and Object, there is no difference between == and ===
Perform “pointer address” comparison
3. There is a difference between basic types and advanced types, == and ===
For ==, convert the advanced type to the basic type and perform "value" comparison
Because the types are different, the result of === is false
我想大声告诉你2017-06-30 10:00:46
'=': means assignment,
var a = 1,
b = 2;
return a = b; //返回2,为a赋值b,即a为2
'==': Determine whether the values are the same, not the type
var a = 1,
b = '1';
return a == b; //返回true
'===': accurate judgment, not only the value but also the type
var a = 1,
b = '1';
return a === b; //返回false
1. For basic types such as string and number, there is a difference between == and ===
Comparison between different types, == compares "values converted into the same type" to see if the "values" are equal, ===if the types are different, the result will be unequal
Same type comparison, direct "value" comparison, the result will be the same
2. For advanced types such as Array and Object, there is no difference between == and === for "pointer address" comparison
3. There is a difference between basic types and advanced types, == and ===
For ==, convert the advanced type to the basic type and perform "value" comparison
Because the types are different, the result of === is false
学习ing2017-06-30 10:00:46
= is the assignment operator
let a=b // 将值b赋给变量a
== and === are comparison operators
a == b 比较a与b值是否相等
a === b 比较a与b是否全等,值和类型都要相同
欧阳克2017-06-30 10:00:46
== will perform implicit data type conversion, === will not, it just compares whether both sides are really equal
仅有的幸福2017-06-30 10:00:46
"=" is used to assign values, assign values directly.
The "==" operator will convert first and then operate.
"==="Absolutely equal, the values and types on both sides must be equal.