['000001_2017-03-17.csv', '000001_2017-03-20.csv',
'000002_2017-03-21.csv', '000002_2017-03-22.csv',
'000003_2017-03-23.csv', '000004_2017-03-24.csv']
numpy array has tens of thousands of elements in total. Now I want to retain the number 000001 or the like in front of each element, and remove duplicates, leaving only a unique number. The result should be ['000001','000002','000003','000004']
In addition to using the for statement, is there a more efficient way?
迷茫2017-06-30 09:58:09
Let’s write NumPy~
>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = np.array(['000001_2017-03-17.csv', '000001_2017-03-20.csv',
'000002_2017-03-21.csv', '000002_2017-03-22.csv',
'000003_2017-03-23.csv', '000004_2017-03-24.csv'])
>>> b = np.unique(np.fromiter(map(lambda x:x.split('_')[0],a),'|S6'))
>>> b
array([b'000001', b'000002', b'000003', b'000004'],
You can also write like this: np.frompyfunc
is to store strings in 6 bytes
is a string stored in 6
little-endian Unicode characters
>>> b = np.array(np.unique(np.frompyfunc(lambda x:x[:6],1,1)(a)),dtype='<U6')
>>> b
array(['000001', '000002', '000003', '000004'],
学习ing2017-06-30 09:58:09
Based on the two brothers’ writing methods
@agree and accept @xiaojieluoff
If the length of the number is fixed to the first six digits, the fastest way to write it is the first one below
import time
lst = ['000001_2017-03-17.csv', '000001_2017-03-20.csv', '000002_2017-03-21.csv', '000002_2017-03-22.csv', '000003_2017-03-23.csv', '000004_2017-03-24.csv'] * 1000000
start = time.time()
data = {_[:6] for _ in lst}
print 'dic: {}'.format(time.time() - start)
start = time.time()
data = set(_[:6] for _ in lst)
print 'set: {}'.format(time.time() - start)
start = time.time()
data = set(map(lambda _: _[:6], lst))
print('map:{}'.format(time.time() - start))
start = time.time()
data = set()
[data.add(_[:6]) for _ in lst]
print('for:{}'.format(time.time() - start))
dic: 0.72798705101
set: 0.929664850235
某草草2017-06-30 09:58:09
Use map and anonymous functions
lists = ['000001_2017-03-17.csv', '000001_2017-03-20.csv','000002_2017-03-21.csv','000002_2017-03-22.csv','000003_2017-03-23.csv', '000004_2017-03-24.csv']
data = list(set(map(lambda x:x.split('_')[0], lists)))
['000003', '000004', '000001', '000002']
Run the following code and you can see that with 6 million pieces of data, map is about 0.6s faster than for
import time
lists = ['000001_2017-03-17.csv', '000001_2017-03-20.csv', '000002_2017-03-21.csv', '000002_2017-03-22.csv', '000003_2017-03-23.csv', '000004_2017-03-24.csv'] * 1000000
map_start = time.clock()
map_data = list(set(map(lambda x:x.split('_')[0], lists)))
map_end = (time.clock() - map_start)
print('map 运行时间:{}'.format(map_end))
for_start = time.clock()
data = set()
for k in lists:
for_end = (time.clock() - for_start)
print('for 运行时间:{}'.format(for_end))
map 运行时间:2.36173
for 运行时间:2.9405870000000003
If the test data is expanded to 60 million, the gap will be even more obvious
map 运行时间:29.620203
for 运行时间:33.132621