class A(){
class B extend A{
function test(){
If there is already an instance of class A, how can this instance also be able to use the test method?
Class A cannot be modified
How to do php and python respectively? If possible
When I wrote PHP before, when using other packages, I would encounter that the call result returned was already an instance object, but I expected to add some of my own methods, but the original package did not provide an entry point for injecting dependencies
ps: Convert an instance of A to an instance of B
//我要的就是这样的 magic 函数
a = new A();
function magic(A &a){
get_class(magic(a)) == B //<===> true
I want to know if there is a grammatical solution to this problem
淡淡烟草味2017-06-29 10:09:59
PHP: Open a new class and use traits, official documentation: