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python - Using Scrapy, how to request a new URL and call back the specified function?

About the use of Scrapy under Python3

import re
import scrapy
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from scrapy.http import Request
from ..items import ZhibobaItem
import json
import lxml.html
import requests
import json

class Myspider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = 'zhiboba'
    allowed_domains = ['']
    json_url = ''
    bash_url = ''

    def start_requests(self):
        yield Request(self.bash_url, self.parse_index)

    def parse_index(self, response):
        print("enter the parse_index")
        ps = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'lxml').find_all(label=re.compile("足球"))
        item = ZhibobaItem()
        for single_p in ps:
            item['label'] = single_p.get('label')
            item['sdate'] = single_p.get('data-time')
            item['linkurl'] = self.bash_url + single_p.find('a')['href']
            home_team = single_p.get_text().split()[2]
            item['home_team'] = home_team
            visit_team = single_p.get_text().split()[4]
            item['visit_team'] = visit_team
            print("quit the parse_index")
            yield Request(self.json_url, callback=self.get_score, meta={'home_team': home_team,
                                                                        'visit_team': visit_team
    def get_score(self, response):
        print("enter the get_score")
        json_url = self.json_url
        wbdata = response.get(json_url).text
        data = json.loads(wbdata)
        news = data['list']
        print("quit the get_score")

When I execute the above code, I cannot successfully call json_url and the corresponding response function get_score. What's wrong?

仅有的幸福仅有的幸福2792 days ago957

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  • 迷茫

    迷茫2017-06-28 09:27:02

    Try to modify allow_domains = [].

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