//Date control
$scope.opts =
locale: {
format: 'YYYY/MM/DD',
separator: ' - ',
applyLabel: '确定',
cancelLabel: '取消',
weekLabel: 'W',
customRangeLabel: 'Custom Range',
daysOfWeek: moment.weekdaysMin(),
min: '',
max: '',
monthNames: moment.monthsShort(),
firstDay: moment.localeData().firstDayOfWeek()
eventHandlers: {
'apply.daterangepicker': function (ev) {
if ($scope.submitTime.startDate != "")
$scope.query.BeginSubmitTime = sourceService.convertData($scope.submitTime.startDate._d);
$scope.query.EndSubmitTime = sourceService.convertDataEnd($scope.submitTime.endDate._d);
if ($scope.modifyTime.startDate != "") {
$scope.query.BeginCreatetime = sourceService.convertData($scope.modifyTime.startDate._d);
$scope.query.EndCreatetime = sourceService.convertDataEnd($scope.modifyTime.endDate._d);
This is js code, the code is in the same js; after determining the time box, you can enter this method, but the time box in ng-include cannot get the value after clicking. I would like to ask for a solution ?
怪我咯2017-06-26 10:59:36
You can define an object such as obj outside, and then bind an ng-model="obj.submitTime" to the ng-model. The reason may be that the Scope of the unavailable ng-model is actually an outer layer. The obtained subScope.