Now I have a requirement, for example, let a = 'asdadaasd.jpg'||'Chinese.png';
2. Now I need to intercept .jpg||.png|| .gif||.jpeg The first 8 digits are '...'.png
let a = 'asdasdqweqweqwadsdasd.png';
let reg = /正则/;
let strSub =>(filename){
return filename
// 输出的 filename 为 asdasdqweq....png;
我想大声告诉你2017-06-26 10:56:22
Practice your hands, it is not recommended to use regular rules
Regular method---code
let testStr='asdasdqweqweqwadsdasd.png';
let reg=/(\w{8})\S+([.](?:png|jpeg|gif|jpg))/;
let newStr=testStr.replace(reg,function(match,p1,p2,offset,string){
return p1+p2;
This is the best way to actually intercept strings code:
let testStr='asdasdqweqweqwadsdasd.png';
let index=testStr.lastIndexOf(".");
let newStr=testStr.substr(0,8)+testStr.substr(index,testStr.length-index);