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php WeChat payment callback url

When should the callback url be written? The document does not explain this in detail. WeChat will only access the callback url if the customer's payment is successful. If the payment fails, it will not access it.

大家讲道理大家讲道理2786 days ago1188

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  • PHP中文网

    PHP中文网2017-06-26 10:51:04

    I think you may not have read the document carefully. Attached is the relevant payment business process sequence diagram.

    This sequence diagram explains clearly: after the user confirms the payment and enters the password, and the WeChat verification authorization is successful, the merchant will be notified of the payment result asynchronously (note that this includes two situations: successful payment and failed payment) , merchants update their order business logic based on the parameters returned by WeChat.

  • 某草草

    某草草2017-06-26 10:51:04

    After you make the payment on your mobile phone and see that the payment is completed, this can only be regarded as the first step. The callback will not be performed until the payment is completed, which means that the payment transaction flow is pushed to the callback interface.

     public function noticeFirst() {
            $notify = new \Notify_pub();
            $xml = $GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA'];
            $arr = $notify->data;
            $wxpay_config = array(
                'APPID' => '',
                'MCHID' => '',
                'KEY' => '',
                'APPSECRET' => ''
            if ($notify->checkSign($wxpay_config) === FALSE) {
                $notify->setReturnParameter("return_code", "FAIL"); //返回状态码
                $notify->setReturnParameter("return_msg", "签名失败"); //返回信息
            } else {
                $notify->setReturnParameter("return_code", "SUCCESS"); //设置返回码
            $returnXml = $notify->returnXml();
            echo $returnXml;
            if ($notify->checkSign($wxpay_config) === TRUE) {
                if ($arr["return_code"] == "FAIL") {
                } elseif ($arr["result_code"] == "FAIL") {
                } else {
                    $info = M('order')->where(array('order_sn' => $arr['out_trade_no']))->find();
                    if (!$info) {
                    /* 修改订单状态 */
                    $data['status'] = 1;
                    $time_end = substr($arr['time_end'], 0, 4) . '-' . substr($arr['time_end'], 4, 2) . '-' . substr($arr['time_end'], 6, 2) . ' ' . substr($arr['time_end'], 8, 2) . ':' . substr($arr['time_end'], 10, 2). ':' . substr($arr['time_end'], 12, 2);
                    $data['pay_time'] = strtotime($time_end);
                    M('order')->where(array('order_id' => $info['order_id']))->save($data);
                    /* 添加支付流水 */
                    $_data['appid'] = $arr['appid'];
                    $_data['bank_type'] = $arr['bank_type'];
                    $_data['cash_fee'] = $arr['cash_fee'];
                    $_data['fee_type'] = $arr['fee_type'];
                    $_data['is_subscribe'] = $arr['is_subscribe'];
                    $_data['mch_id'] = $arr['mch_id'];
                    $_data['openid'] = $arr['openid'];
                    $_data['out_trade_no'] = $arr['out_trade_no'];
                    $_data['result_code'] = $arr['result_code'];
                    $_data['return_code'] = $arr['result_code'];
                    $_data['total_fee'] = $total_fee;
                    $_data['trade_type'] = $arr['trade_type'];
                    $_data['transaction_id'] = $arr['transaction_id'];
                    $_data['nonce_str'] = $arr['nonce_str'];
                    $_data['sign'] = $arr['sign'];
                    $_data['time_end'] = $arr['time_end'];
                    /* 添加财务流水 */

  • 学习ing

    学习ing2017-06-26 10:51:04

    Yes, set the callback url when paying. After the payment is successful, WeChat will actively call this url and then process the logic of updating the order

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