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php - The TP3.2 project automatically jumps to the set "ERROR_PAGE". How to check the reason?

Write a scheduled task to prepare to access the address regularly to complete the function of matching brands.
Used stuttering word segmentation to separate product titles
No problem running locally. When running online, if only one product is found, there is no problem. Multiple entries will automatically jump to "ERROR_PAGE" in the configuration file. There is no record in the Log file. Now I don't know how to check the cause of this problem and can't find a solution.
It should be a problem caused by looping, but I don’t know where the problem lies?
Attached are the relevant codes:

$quan_lists = M("Quan")->field('id,title')->where(array("fromtype" => array("gt", 0),"addtime" => array("gt", $limit_time)))->limit(20)->order("id desc")->select();
$productLogic = tkD("Product", "Logic");
$searchLogic = tkD('Search', 'Logic');
if(!empty($quan_lists)) {
    foreach($quan_lists as $quan) {
        $aTags = $productLogic->jieba($quan['title']);
        if (empty($aTags)) {
        $like_zh_map = $like_en_map = $condition = $map = array();
            foreach($aTags as $tag) {
                if(preg_match("/^[0-9a-zA-Z\s]+$/", $tag)) {
                            $like_en_map[] = "{$tag}%";
                        } else {
                            $like_zh_map[] = "{$tag}%";
                    if(count($like_zh_map) > 0) {
                        $condition['zh_name'] = array('like', $like_zh_map, 'OR');
                    if(count($like_en_map) > 0) {
                        $condition['en_name'] = array('like', $like_en_map, 'OR');
                    if(count($like_zh_map) > 0 && count($like_en_map) > 0) {
                        $condition['_logic'] = 'or';
                    $map['_complex'] = $condition;
                    $map['status']  = 1;
                    $aDatas = M('Brand')->field('id,zh_name,en_name')->where($map)->find();
                    if(empty($aDatas)) {
                    } else {
                        M("Quan")->where(array("id" => $quan['id']))->save(array("brand_id" => intval($aDatas["id"])));
                        $searchLogic->searchupdate(2, $quan['id']); //更新搜索引擎
public function jieba($title)
        if (empty($title)) {
            return false;
        ini_set('memory_limit', '200M');//吃内存

        import('Vendor/jieba/src/vendor/multi-array/MultiArray', '', '.php');
        import('Vendor/jieba/src/vendor/multi-array/Factory/MultiArrayFactory', '', '.php');
        import('Vendor/jieba/src/class/Jieba', '', '.php');
        import('Vendor/jieba/src/class/Finalseg', '', '.php');
        \Fukuball\Jieba\Jieba::init(array('dict' => 'small'));

        $aSeglist = \Fukuball\Jieba\Jieba::cut($title, false);
        if ($aSeglist) {
            $aTags = array();
            foreach ($aSeglist as $str) {
                if (is_numeric($str)) {
                } elseif (mb_strlen($str, 'utf8') < 2) {
                } else {
                    $aTags[] = $str;
            return $aTags;
        } else {
            return false;
欧阳克欧阳克2676 days ago769

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  • 漂亮男人

    漂亮男人2017-06-21 10:13:03

    When segmenting words:
    ini_set('memory_limit', '200M')
    This code seems to have some problems

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