How to splice order by field in orderBy in yii,
, now the printed sql, and the sql I need is like this
三叔2017-06-20 10:09:49
->orderBy(["FIELD(step, 'star', 'person', 'team')" => true])
is OK, but I didn't look at the underlying code carefully. . . But it should solve the problem
* @param array $columns
* @return string the ORDER BY clause built from [[Query::$orderBy]].
public function buildOrderBy($columns)
if (empty($columns)) {
return '';
$orders = [];
foreach ($columns as $name => $direction) {
if ($direction instanceof Expression) {
$orders[] = $direction->expression;
} else {
$orders[] = $this->db->quoteColumnName($name) . ($direction === SORT_DESC ? ' DESC' : '');
return 'ORDER BY ' . implode(', ', $orders);
This is a method to generate an orderby statement, so true has no real effect, but it is not equal to SORT_DESC and then becomes empty,
The more official way of writing it is like this:
orderBy([new Expression("FIELD(step, 'star', 'person', 'team')")])