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python - scrapy xpath page parsing cannot be found

The following is the html of the page categories

<p id="a144e40e-56c4-4984-b404-1a0230194b42" class="house-item clearfix house-item-curr">
                <p class="item-photo fl">
                    <a href="/zufang/shbs12427828.html" target="_blank">
                        <img class="lazy" src="//" src="//" alt="采菊苑租房2800元/月" title="采菊苑租房2800元/月" style="display: inline-block;"></a>
                <p class="item-info fl">
                    <h4 class="house-title">
                        <a href="/zufang/shbs12427828.html" title="采菊苑,77平两房出租,毛坯3千,好谈价!" target="_blank" class="cBlueB">采菊苑,77平两房出租,毛坯3千,好谈价!</a>
                    <p class="f14 f000 mb_10">
                        <a href="/xiaoqu/xq-pedpwawows/" class="f000 mr_10" target="_blank" title="采菊苑二手房">采菊苑</a><span class="f000 mr_10">2室2厅</span><span class="f000">77平</span>
                    <p class="f7b mb_10">
                        南北<em class="mrl_6">|</em>高层<em class="mrl_6">|</em>毛坯<em class="mrl_6">|</em>2008年<em class="mrl_6">|</em>整租
                    <p class="f7b mb_15">
                        宝山-顾村 菊联路68弄
                        <a style="cursor: pointer" href="javascript:void(0)" value="/page/v1/common/maputil.aspx?x=121.372168&amp;y=31.354713" class=" icons_map jsmapicon  "></a>
                 <p class="item-pricearea fr">
                    <p class="price-nub cRed">2800元/月</p>
                     <p class="f14 f000 mb_15 fsm">&nbsp;</p> 
                <p class="clear"></p>

I use xpath to extract text. My code is

class itcast(scrapy.Spider):
    name = 'SH'
    allowd_domains = [""]
    start_urls = [""]

    def parse(self,response):
        list = response.xpath("//p[@class='//p[@class='ouse-item clearfix house-item-curr']")
        for i in list:
            name = i.xpath("//a[@class='cBlueB'.text()]")
            print name[0]

I can find this category
The error reported is in the line for i in list:
name =f.xpath(), the text cannot be extracted.
The execution code cannot be found. Please help me find out what is wrong with me. I have tried similar things many times. I have no choice but to ask questions. I hope you can answer them. Thank you!

PHP中文网PHP中文网2744 days ago1103

reply all(2)I'll reply

  • 代言

    代言2017-06-14 10:53:10

    def parse(response):
        list = response.xpath("//p[@class='house-item clearfix house-item-curr']")
        for i in list:
            name = i.xpath("//a[@class='cBlueB']")
            print name[0].text

    Maybe that’s what you mean?

  • 習慣沉默

    習慣沉默2017-06-14 10:53:10

    name = i.xpath("//a[@class='cBlueB'.text()]") is wrong. How can text be placed inside []

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