and push are both operated on the same computer. It may be that the original userName on this computer is qs, but then I have set
global and user. The email is now submitted and pushed by the following df2wd..., but why are the two inconsistent and how to solve it?
The end should look like this
PHP中文网2017-06-13 09:24:42
@It’s just an ID. It’s already said very well. You can use the following command to check the current git configuration first.
git config --list
Then just add the user and email address:
git config "Author Name"
git config "Author Email"
After adding it, future submissions will be unified! 黄舟2017-06-13 09:24:42
If you just want the submitter of this project to remain the same
cd your/app/path
git config --local -e 或者 git config " yourname" //这是更改当前 git 版本库的配置文件
The next submission will be the name you set. If you want to modify the existing one, you can refer to this blog: