<li :class="{active: show === 'daily'}">
<router-link @click="displayArticle('hot')" to="/home/article">日报</router-link>
Why does it have no effect if I write it like the above, but I can change it to the following one? router-link
Can't events be bound to tags?
<li :class="{active: show === 'hot'}" @click="displayArticle('hot')">
<router-link to="/home/article">热门</router-link>
PHP中文网2017-06-12 09:32:57
router-link will prevent click events
You can only use @click.native="displayArticle('hot')" in router-link
Generally do not add it to router-link
滿天的星座2017-06-12 09:32:57
To bind native events to custom components, you need to add the .native
modifier document portal