I solved the ordering problem with everyone's help in the third question, but when I tested the historical data today, I discovered a strange thing. I want to operate on 6 currency pairs (GBP_USD, EUR_USD, USD_CAD and USD_CHF, USD_JPY, AUD_USD). I want GBP_USD, EUR_USD, USD_CAD to buy when placing a buy order, and USD_CHF, USD_JPY, and AUD_USD to sell when placing a buy order. Start a few transactions. There is no problem, but after trying to sell when placing a buy order once, GBP_USD, EUR_USD, USD_CAD also changed to selling when placing a buy order. The procedure is as follows:
import requests
def trade(action,pairs,unit="1"):
account_id = '101-011-5898545-001'
access_token = '33c7d4049fe8720c37918482bc830c12-06467701c963e60220d7e18436f3225d'
url = 'https://api-fxpractice.oanda.com/v3/accounts/'+account_id+'/orders'
headers = {'Content-Type' : 'application/json','Authorization':'Bearer '+access_token}
if pairs == "GBP_USD" or "EUR_USD" or "AUD_USD" :
if action == "buy" :
data = {"order":{"instrument":pairs,"type":"MARKET","units":unit}}
if action == "sell" :
data = {"order":{"instrument":pairs,"type":"MARKET","units":"-"+unit}}
if pairs == "USD_CHF" or "USD_JPY" or "USD_CAD" :
if action == "buy" :
data = {"order":{"instrument":pairs,"type":"MARKET","units":"-"+unit}}
if action == "sell" :
data = {"order":{"instrument":pairs,"type":"MARKET","units":unit}}
req = requests.post(url,json=data,headers=headers)
if __name__=='__main__' :
Please check the transaction status at https://trade.oanda.com/, username: cawa11, password: 1122334455, thank you
ringa_lee2017-06-12 09:29:26
There is something wrong with your code
if pairs == "GBP_USD" or "EUR_USD" or "AUD_USD"
if pairs == "GBP_USD" or pairs == "EUR_USD" or pairs == "AUD_USD"
if pairs in ["GBP_USD", "EUR_USD", "AUD_USD"]
Your code can be simplified to this. Buy and sell orders are determined by whether the unit is positive or negative:
# coding: utf-8
import requests
def trade(pairs, unit=1):
account_id = '101-011-5898545-001'
access_token = '33c7d4049fe8720c37918482bc830c12-06467701c963e60220d7e18436f3225d'
url = 'https://api-fxpractice.oanda.com/v3/accounts/'+account_id+'/orders'
headers = {'Content-Type' : 'application/json','Authorization':'Bearer '+access_token}
#你逻辑里只提到当货币为["USD_CHF", "USD_JPY", "USD_CAD"]时,只要是买单就要变成卖单
if pairs in ["USD_CHF", "USD_JPY", "USD_CAD"] and unit > 0:
unit *= -1
data = {"order":{"instrument":pairs,"type":"MARKET","units":unit}}
req = requests.post(url,json=data,headers=headers)
if __name__=='__main__' :
trade("GBP_USD", 1) #买
trade("GBP_USD", -1) #卖