Write ademo
I want the progress bar in item
in recyclerview
to have an animation effect
I wrote it by continuously setting setProgress()
, but in the actual process, the animation will play on the incorrect item
Even if I judge If item
is reused, there is nothing you can do if you cancel it. .
SparseIntArray sparseIntArray = new SparseIntArray();
ArrayMap<Integer, Disposable> arrayMap = new ArrayMap<>();
binding.recyclerView.setAdapter(new BaseRecyclerViewAdapter<Integer>(strings) {
public int getLayoutId(int viewType) {
return R.layout.recycler_item;//item布局 其中有一个横向的进度条空间
protected void convert(VH holder, Integer i, int position) {
int after = sparseIntArray.get(position); //查看item是否第一次使用
Disposable disposable1 = arrayMap.get(position);
if (disposable1 != null) {
PtrCLog.d("RecyclerViewActivity", "convert: " + "取消订阅");
if (after == i) {
PtrCLog.d("RecyclerViewActivity", "convert: " + "相同后直接设置");
holder.setProgress(R.id.progress_bar_financing_item, i);
} else {
sparseIntArray.put(position, i);//存
int castProgress = (i); //当前得到的
PtrCLog.d("LoanListAdapter", "progress: " + castProgress);
PtrCLog.d("LoanListAdapter", "初次生效当前坐标为: " + position + "-----" + "存储的进度为" + castProgress);
Disposable disposable = Observable
.intervalRange(0, castProgress + 1, 0, 30, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.subscribe(aLong -> {
PtrCLog.d("LoanListAdapter", "convert: " + position + "----" + aLong + "");
PtrCLog.d("RecyclerViewActivity", "convert: after" + (after == i));
holder.setProgress(R.id.progress_bar_financing_item, Integer.parseInt(aLong + ""));
}, throwable -> {
, () -> {
arrayMap.put(position, disposable);
三叔2017-06-08 11:04:32
In the future, this kind of "animation" should be done with animation as much as possible,
ValueAnimator animator = ValueAnimator.ofInt(0, castProgress);
animator.addUpdateListener(animation -> {
int value = (int) animation.getAnimatedValue();
holder.setProgress(R.id.progress_bar_financing_item, value);