Every time laravel requests and responds, the session_id must be reset. why is that
What does this configuration of session mean? It means recycling the session storage location. But I can’t understand the value of this configuration
给我你的怀抱2017-06-08 11:03:42
Can you send a few more screenshots of the request? It’s normal here. In the same session, the sessionId is the same for every request;
As for the lottery
in the configuration item, it represents the probability of invalid data cleaning in the database session
; in the StartSession
middleware, in such a sentence
random_int(1, $config['lottery'][1]) <= $config['lottery'][0];
Indicates that there is a 1% probability that the expired and invalid session
data in the database will be cleared; it has nothing to do with this session session
phpcn_u15822017-06-08 11:03:42
Where is the id
? This is the whole session
After decoding, it’s Jiang Zi
曾经蜡笔没有小新2017-06-08 11:03:42
You can’t just say the problem, you have to post the corresponding configuration file, otherwise we can only guess, which is very inefficient...
某草草2017-06-08 11:03:42
Let’s take a look at the auth source code to find the answer
The session in laravel is these data