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Learn the basics of Linux

I want to learn Linux. Is there any knowledge that I need to master before learning? In addition, are there any recommended materials for learning Linux? Thank you

仅有的幸福仅有的幸福2662 days ago859

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  • 某草草

    某草草2017-06-06 09:54:57

    First of all, you need to have a basic understanding of the use of Linux. At this stage, you need to read Brother Niao’s Linux Private Cooking to roughly master the basics.

    Next, It is very important to learn how to use Bash, because in the process of using Linux, you will find shells everywhere, such as command execution, program source code installation, startup of certain tasks (service service), booting Startup scripts, etc. are all shell syntax. (During this period, learning Bash programming may require learning to use Vim or Emacs, which is not necessary if you use a graphical editor). Books include "Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide" and "Bash GNU Manual".

    After that, start learning specific programming languages. It depends on what you like. Python is recommended.

  • ringa_lee

    ringa_lee2017-06-06 09:54:57

    Basic version of "Brother Bird's Private Dishes", install a centos and practice along

  • 仅有的幸福

    仅有的幸福2017-06-06 09:54:57

    "Brother Niao's Linux Private Cooking"

    Well, you need to master the use of monitor, keyboard and mouse (laughs

    Seriously, when learning, please ignore the graphical interface.

  • 淡淡烟草味

    淡淡烟草味2017-06-06 09:54:57

    Recommend "In-depth Understanding of Computer Systems".

    "Brother Bird's Private Kitchen" contains a lot of content. After reading it, you may forget it. . . On the contrary, I think it would be better to have basic knowledge of Linux usage.

    If you have some prior knowledge, it will be better if you can program.

  • 怪我咯

    怪我咯2017-06-06 09:54:57

    I was also learning Linux some time ago, and I wrote a reading note, a beginner’s guide to getting started with Linux, for your reference. But the most important thing is to practice and learn together.

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