Because I need a computer on the LAN to remotely access my phpmyadmin, I need to open a remote connection. So I searched for answers everywhere on the Internet, and ended up setting these in phpmyadmin (the picture is just from the tutorial, I can’t remember exactly what my phpmyadmin settings are, I just remember that the host setting is any host and the value is %)
Then it’s a mess. No matter how you log in now, you will be prompted:
Haha, now the key has fallen into the room and cannot be entered or taken out
PHPz2017-05-27 17:41:15
Find the config.default.php file under the "phpMyAdmin/libraries" folder and find this line of code: $cfg'Servers'['host'] = 'localhost'; Change localhost to and see if it works.
If you have modified the port, make sure the port number in the configuration file is consistent!
为情所困2017-05-27 17:41:15
Easy to say, just go to the server and play, then skip the permission table verification and re-authorize it.