I created an html file locally and installed the following two codes into it.
Then it runs normally. Why does it not work on the server? What is the reason?
You can zoom in and out the image normally locally
When running on the server, clicking has no effect?
+function() { 'use strict'
function Zooming() {
this._scaleBase = 1.0
this._target = null // Zoomable target
this._body = document.body
this._lastScrollPosition = null
this._scrollThreshold = 40
this._handleClick = this._handleClick.bind(this)
this._handleKeyDown = this._handleKeyDown.bind(this)
this._handleScroll = this._handleScroll.bind(this)
Zooming.prototype = {
init: function() {
this._body.addEventListener('click', this._handleClick)
var zoomableImages = document.querySelectorAll('img[data-action="zoom"]')
for (var i = 0; i < zoomableImages.length; i++) {
setCursorStyle(zoomableImages[i], 'zoom-in')
_handleClick: function(event) {
var target = event.target
if (!target) return
if (target.tagName !== 'IMG') this._close()
if (!target.hasAttribute('data-action')) return
switch (target.getAttribute('data-action')) {
case 'zoom':
case 'close':
_handleKeyDown: function(event) {
if (event.keyCode === 27) this._close() // Esc
_handleScroll: function() {
var scrollTop = window.pageYOffset ||
(document.documentElement || this._body.parentNode || this._body).scrollTop
if (this._lastScrollPosition === null) this._lastScrollPosition = scrollTop
var deltaY = this._lastScrollPosition - scrollTop
if (Math.abs(deltaY) >= this._scrollThreshold) {
this._lastScrollPosition = null
_zoom: function(target) {
// Avoid zooming multiple times
if (this._target) return
this._target = new Zoomable(target)
document.addEventListener('keydown', this._handleKeyDown)
document.addEventListener('scroll', this._handleScroll)
_close: function() {
if (!this._target) return
this._target = null
document.removeEventListener('keydown', this._handleKeyDown)
document.removeEventListener('scroll', this._handleScroll)
* The zoomable image.
function Zoomable(img) {
this._scaleBase = 1.0
this._image = img
this._src = img.getAttribute('src')
this._dataOriginal = img.getAttribute('src')
this._overlay = null // An overlay that whites out the body
this._body = document.body
this._zoomImage = this._zoomImage.bind(this)
this._handleTransitionEnd = this._handleTransitionEnd.bind(this)
this._styles = {
image: {
width: '',
height: '',
transform: '',
zoomIn: {
'position': 'relative',
'z-index': 666,
'-webkit-transition': 'all 300ms',
'-o-transition': 'all 300ms',
'transition': 'all 300ms'
zoomOut: {
'position': '',
'z-index': '',
'-webkit-transition': '',
'-o-transition': '',
'transition': ''
overlay: {
'z-index': 233,
'background': '#fff',
'position': 'fixed',
'top': 0,
'left': 0,
'right': 0,
'bottom': 0,
'filter': 'alpha(opacity=0)',
'opacity': 0,
'-webkit-transition': 'opacity 300ms',
'-o-transition': 'opacity 300ms',
'transition': 'opacity 300ms'
Zoomable.prototype = {
zoomIn: function() {
var img = new Image()
img.onload = (function() {
// If data-orginal is present, set image css width and height explicitly
// so the transformed source image is correctly displayed
if (this._dataOriginal) {
// Save the original image width and height styles if present
this._styles.image.width = this._image.style.width
this._styles.image.height = this._image.style.height
var rect = this._image.getBoundingClientRect()
setStyles(this._image, {
'width': rect.width + 'px',
'height': rect.height + 'px'
// Use src as image src
this._image.setAttribute('src', this._dataOriginal)
img.src = this._src
_calculateZoom: function() {
var rect = this._image.getBoundingClientRect()
var windowCenter = {
x: window.innerWidth / 2,
y: window.innerHeight / 2
var imgHalfWidth = rect.width / 2
var imgHalfHeight = rect.height / 2
var imgCenter = {
x: rect.left + imgHalfWidth,
y: rect.top + imgHalfHeight
// The vector to translate image to the window center
var translate = {
x: windowCenter.x - imgCenter.x,
y: windowCenter.y - imgCenter.y
// The distance between image edge and window edge
var distFromImageEdgeToWindowEdge = {
x: windowCenter.x - imgHalfWidth,
y: windowCenter.y - imgHalfHeight
// The additional scale is based on the smaller value of
// scaling horizontally and scaling vertically
var scaleHorizontally = distFromImageEdgeToWindowEdge.x / imgHalfWidth
var scaleVertically = distFromImageEdgeToWindowEdge.y / imgHalfHeight
var scale = this._scaleBase + Math.min(scaleHorizontally, scaleVertically)
// Translate the image to window center, then scale the image
this._styles.image.transform =
'translate(' + translate.x + 'px,' + translate.y + 'px) ' +
'scale(' + scale + ',' + scale + ')'
_zoomImage: function() {
// Repaint before animating, fix Safari image flickring issue
setStyles(this._image, this._styles.image.zoomIn)
this._image.addEventListener('transitionend', this._handleTransitionEnd)
// Create an overlay, it does not white out at this point
this._overlay = document.createElement('p')
setStyles(this._overlay, this._styles.overlay)
// Use setTimeout to apply correct overlay opacity transition when
// zooming in, otherwise the transition effect won't trigger.
window.setTimeout((function() {
// Now whites out the overlay
setStyles(this._overlay, {
'filter': "alpha(opacity=100)",
'opacity': 1
}).bind(this), 30)
zoomOut: function() {
this._image.addEventListener('transitionend', this._handleTransitionEnd)
// Remove the overlay
setStyles(this._overlay, {
'filter': "alpha(opacity=0)",
'opacity': 0
this._styles.image.transform = ''
_transform: function() {
setStyles(this._image, {
'-webkit-transform': this._styles.image.transform,
'-ms-transform': this._styles.image.transform,
'transform': this._styles.image.transform,
_handleTransitionEnd: function(event) {
switch (this._image.getAttribute('data-action')) {
case 'close':
if (this._dataOriginal) {
setStyles(this._image, {
'width': this._styles.width,
'height': this._styles.height
// Restore the old image src
this._image.setAttribute('src', this._src)
setStyles(this._image, this._styles.image.zoomOut)
setCursorStyle(this._image, 'zoom-in')
this._image.setAttribute('data-action', 'zoom')
case 'zoom':
setCursorStyle(this._image, 'zoom-out')
this._image.setAttribute('data-action', 'close')
this._image.removeEventListener('transitionend', this._handleTransitionEnd)
function setStyles(element, styles) {
for (var prop in styles) {
element.style[prop] = styles[prop]
function setCursorStyle(element, style) {
element.style.cursor = style
element.style.cursor = '-webkit-' + style
element.style.cursor = '-moz-' + style
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
new Zooming().init()
<img src="https://img.alicdn.com/bao/uploaded/i1/1435205015500799928/TB2YGP.bncCL1FjSZFPXXXZgpXa_!!0-rate.jpg_40x40.jpg" data-action="zoom" src="https://img.alicdn.com/bao/uploaded/i1/1435205015500799928/TB2YGP.bncCL1FjSZFPXXXZgpXa_!!0-rate.jpg_400x400.jpg" />
<img src="https://img.alicdn.com/bao/uploaded/i1/1435205015500799928/TB2YGP.bncCL1FjSZFPXXXZgpXa_!!0-rate.jpg_40x40.jpg" data-action="zoom" src="https://img.alicdn.com/bao/uploaded/i1/1435205015500799928/TB2YGP.bncCL1FjSZFPXXXZgpXa_!!0-rate.jpg_400x400.jpg" />
漂亮男人2017-05-19 10:49:15
I found that there is a base domain name in the head file, which causes this to not work properly. Just delete the base tag and it will be fine
某草草2017-05-19 10:49:15
Access the server with a local browser. Then open the console debugging tool and see if the image resources are loaded.
If it is loaded, set a breakpoint on js and see the execution process of js.