app.vue page
I want page b to trigger the custom event of app.vue,
But it says bus is not defined. I want to know how to introduce it?
滿天的星座2017-05-19 10:47:06
bus is brought up and placed in a specific place.
1. Create bus.js
// bus.js
import Vue from 'vue';
export default new Vue();
2. Statement
import Bus from 'bus';
export default {
created() {
Bus.$on('getData', target => {
3. Call
import Bus from 'bus';
export default{
methods: {
but(event) {
PHP中文网2017-05-19 10:47:06
Although this approach is not highly recommended, you can:
window.bus = new Vue();
You can’t access bus because bus is a local variable. . .
If you do not use the global event bus, you can use the plug-in method: vue-bus
In addition, if you want to share this data between multiple components, use Vuex