#If you want to realize the value in multiple, it will change with the changes of province, city and district.
I tried many ways to assign values to multiple using js, but the value of multiple did not change.
Who knows how to solve it?
Multiple selections can be made in the multiple check box:
Picture description
Assignment code:
<select id="PositionList" multiple="multiple">
<c:forEach items="${sessionScope.positionl}" var="positionl">
<option value="${positionl.name}">${positionl.name}</option>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
If js assigns a value to a general select:
success : function(data) {
var jsonpos = data;
var pos = "";
for (var int = 0; int < jsonpos.length; int++) {
pos += "<option value="+jsonpos[int].name+">"
+ jsonpos[int].name + "</option>";
这个就行了。但是 multiple 不能这样赋值,还请大神指教?
高洛峰2017-05-19 10:38:21
document.getElementById('xxx').setAttribute('size',num) or $('xxx').attr('size',num)