Using react to develop projects, my backend colleagues recently provided interfaces. I use fetch to make AJAX requests. But the console reports the following error!
Cross-domain problems have arisen. Some people say that webpack dev server can implement proxy request forwarding, so that cross-domain problems will not occur.
But I followed the official configuration and other people’s configurations online, but it’s still the same and has no effect.
devServer: {
hot: true,
contentBase: resolve(__dirname, ''),
publicPath: '/',
proxy: {
'/api': {
target: '',
pathRewrite: {'^/api' : ''},
changeOrigin: true
My configuration is as above. I don’t know what went wrong. I used the webpack2.0 version to implement hot update according to the official configuration. Can anyone help me explain how to configure it to forward requests and solve cross-domain issues?
PHPz2017-05-19 10:28:29
I made a common sense mistake. Configuring proxy does not mean that requesting the original URL can automatically solve cross-domain problems.
You should change the request address to a local one, that is http://localhost:port/api
For example