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javascript - A small problem with js magnifying glass.

js Magnifying Glass It seems that the code can be basically understood, but there is a code that has been tested and I know the effect but I don’t know why it is written like this?
The picture cannot be uploaded, I don’t know why. Then let’s get into the code. Anyone who makes this function should be familiar with it.

    * {margin: 0;padding: 0;}
    img {
        vertical-align: top;
    .box {
        width: 350px;
        height: 350px;
        border: 1px solid #ccc;
        position: relative;
    .big {
        width: 450px;
        height: 450px;
        position: absolute;
        top: 0;
        left: 360px;
        border: 1px solid #ccc;
        overflow: hidden;
        display: none;
    .mask {
        width: 100px;
        height: 100px;
        background: rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.4);
        position: absolute;
        top: 0;
        left: 0;
        cursor: move;
        display: none;
    .small {
        position: relative;
    .big img {
        position: absolute;
        top: 0;
        left: 0;
<p class="box" id="fdj">
    <p class="small">
        <img src="images/001.jpg" alt=""/>
        <p class="mask"></p>
    <p class="big">
        <img src="images/0001.jpg" alt=""/>
   var fdj = document.getElementById("fdj");  // 获得最大的盒子
    var small = fdj.children[0];  // 获得small 小图片 350盒子
    var big = fdj.children[1];  // 获得 大图片 800 盒子
    var mask = small.children[1];  // 小的黄色盒子
   var bigImage = big.children[0]; // 大盒子里面的图片
    small.onmouseover = function() {   // 鼠标经过显示出他们 = "block"; = "block";
    small.onmouseout = function() { = "none"; = "none";
    //  鼠标在small 内移动
   var x = 0;
   var y = 0;
    small.onmousemove = function(event) {
        var event = event || window.event;
         x = event.clientX - this.offsetParent.offsetLeft - mask.offsetWidth /2;// 再某个盒子内的坐标

         y = event.clientY - this.offsetParent.offsetTop - mask.offsetHeight /2;
         if(x < 0)
             x = 0;
         else if(x > small.offsetWidth - mask.offsetWidth)
             **x = small.offsetWidth - mask.offsetWidth;**
            y = 0;
         else if(y > small.offsetHeight - mask.offsetHeight)
             y = small.offsetHeight - mask.offsetHeight;
        alert(x); = x + "px"; = y + "px";
         /*计算  :  夫子 一顿吃 2个馒头    娇子  一顿 4个馒头
         问  夫子今天吃了 3个馒头  娇子应该吃几个?  */
         /*计算出他们的倍数   4 / 2    2倍
          3 * 2  == 6个  */
         /* 大图盒子 /  小图盒子  倍数
          我们 再小图移动的距离 *  倍数  ==  大图的位置*/ =  -x *  big.offsetWidth /small.offsetWidth + "px"; =  -y *  big.offsetHeight /small.offsetHeight + "px";


Among them, x = small.offsetWidth - mask.offsetWidth. I don't understand this code. Shouldn't both be fixed values? Use alert to test small.offsetWidth - mask.offsetWidth is a fixed value. Testing x is a variable value. Functionally, x should be a variable. But shouldn’t small.offsetWidth and mask.offsetWidth be fixed values?

伊谢尔伦伊谢尔伦2872 days ago722

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  • 習慣沉默

    習慣沉默2017-05-19 10:17:24

    //this.offsetParent.offsetLeft 父级的偏移量left
    //mask.offsetWidth /2 自己的宽度除以二,中心
    //event.clientY 在客户端的位置。
    //event.clientY-this.offsetParent.offsetLeft 当前鼠标在当前父级的坐标点。
    //event.clientY-this.offsetParent.offsetLeft - mask.offsetWidth /2 调整当前鼠标的位置为中心点
    x = event.clientX - this.offsetParent.offsetLeft - mask.offsetWidth /2;
    if(x < 0){
         x = 0;//如果x小于0,就让盒子当做0处理,不去越界,如果x>
     }else if(x > small.offsetWidth - mask.offsetWidth) {
        x = small.offsetWidth - mask.offsetWidth;//盒子宽度 - mask宽度,代表就是右边越界,取一个边界值就可以了、

    So, this if(){}else if(){} is used for boundary control. The front is the left border, the back is the right border

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