I have a very large string of decimal numbers. How to convert it into a binary string?
Because the number is very large, there is no way to convert it into a number and put it in the variable toString(2)
某草草2017-05-19 10:16:41
According to the principle of converting decimal to binary, simulate dividing by 2 and taking remainder
巴扎黑2017-05-19 10:16:41
It shouldn’t be too difficult to write the algorithm yourself, and leave it to the background for processing
过去多啦不再A梦2017-05-19 10:16:41
private static String process(ArrayList<String> imp,String HexStr){
String rem = "";
Long remaind = (long) 0;
ArrayList<String> newList = new ArrayList<String>();
Iterator<String> itor = imp.iterator();
String ele = itor.next();
Long num = Long.parseLong(rem+ele);
Long quot = num / 16;
remaind = num%16;
rem = remaind.toString();
if(quot > 0){
String hexRem = Long.toHexString(remaind);
return hexRem;
} else{
return process(newList,hexRem)+hexRem;
public static String D2Hex(String dNum){
String tmp = dNum;
ArrayList<String> splitNum = new ArrayList<String>();
while(tmp.length() > 16){
String high = tmp.substring(0,tmp.length() - 16);
String low = tmp.substring(tmp.length() - 16);
tmp = low;
return process(splitNum,"");
public static String D2B(String dNum){
String hex = D2Hex(dNum);
StringBuilder bin= new StringBuilder();
for(int i =0; i < hex.length(); i ++){
String tmp = Integer.toBinaryString( Integer.parseInt(hex.substring(i,i+1),16));
return bin.toString();
Super large number result not verified
9999,9999,9999,9999 ------>2386f26fc0ffff--->0010001110000110111100100110111111 0000001111111111111111
1,0000,0000,0000,0000------>2386f26fc10 000--->0010001110000110111100100110111111000001000000000000000
9,9999,9999,9999,9999 ------>16345785d89ffff--->000101100011010001010111100001011101100010011111111111111111
9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,99 99,9999------>4ee2d6d415b85acef80ffffffff--->01001110111000101101011011010100000101011011100001011010110011101111100000001111 1111111111111111111111111111
怪我咯2017-05-19 10:16:41
Write whatever you want
function toBin(str)
var arr = [];
var remainder,i,str2,num,char;
while(str.length>0) {
str2 = "";remainder=0;
for(i=0;i<str.length;i++) { // str2 = str组成的十进制数 / 2
num = str.charCodeAt(i)-0x30; // num to String
num = remainder*10 + num;
char = Math.floor(num/2).toString();
// 忽略最高为的0 , 即最高为如果是 0 则不放入 str2
if(!(char === "0" && str2 === "")) { str2 += char;}
remainder = num%2;
str = str2;
arr.push(remainder); // 保存余数
return arr.reverse().join('');
console.log(toBin("3")); // 11
console.log(toBin("9")); // 1001
console.log(toBin("10")); // 1010
console.log(toBin("120")); // 1111000
为情所困2017-05-19 10:16:41
If it is just for display, you can consider letting it be transferred in the background