I hope to keep a number to two decimal places. If there are decimal places, round them off. If not, fill in 0.
For example,
I tried using the toFixed function, and its content is correct, but it returns a string. For example, 1.00 is a string. When I explicitly convert Number(1.00), it becomes 1.
So how do I get the number to retain two decimal places and the return type is a number?
淡淡烟草味2017-05-19 10:14:54
My guess is: If it is used for page display, then strings don’t matter, right? If it is used for operation, it doesn't matter even if it is 1 (not 1.00), right?
某草草2017-05-19 10:14:54
1.00 This format can only be saved as a string, and cannot be saved as a numeric type.
No matter what you do, if you want to display something like 1.00, you can only use strings.
ringa_lee2017-05-19 10:14:54
First of all, the toFixed method itself is buggy. Secondly, the Number structure in js does not contain precision. If you need numbers that contain precision, you can just write a class yourself
仅有的幸福2017-05-19 10:14:54
var num=1.256;
function unitNormalization(arr,digit){
var digit=digit||0;
var prence=Math.pow(10,digit);
var backArr=[];
for(var i=0;i<arr.length;i++){
return backArr;
var num=Math.floor(Math.round(arr*prence))/prence;
return num