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java - tcp connection exception, please help analyze the reason

netstat -antp|grep 8091
After the server has been running for a period of time, suddenly all tcp cannot connect normally. Check the information as follows

Help analyze the reason, thank you
The system uses Tencent Cloud's centos6.5 64-bit virtual machine, and a tomcat server is built on it. This abnormality will occur within two days of the average running period, and then the client Can't connect.
netstat -antp|grep 8091|wc -l
cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_max_syn_backlog
can only restart tomcat, after restarting it is as follows

为情所困为情所困2815 days ago853

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  • 怪我咯

    怪我咯2017-05-19 10:10:02

    I didn’t see anything abnormal there

  • 黄舟

    黄舟2017-05-19 10:10:02

    The questioner did not clarify whether "tcp cannot connect normally" is the server or the client. Judging from the screenshot, it is using a machine to continuously connect to the server. You can check whether there is a large number of TIME_WAIT in the client part of netstat
    If so , the client uses a tcp short connection. After close, if REUSE is not configured, the client machine will no longer be able to use the same port within 2msl.

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