1. The third line of code is not understood.
The third line should be implemented. Add data
as the prototype object to super_robot
Why not SuperRobot.__proto__=data;
but say.__proto__=data;
function SuperRobot(data) {
var say = function() { return "Hello World!"; };
return say;
var data = { name:"atom", age: 5};
var super_robot = SuperRobot(data);
console.log(super_robot()); //Hello World!
console.log(super_robot.age); //5
console.log(typeof super_robot); //function
曾经蜡笔没有小新2017-05-18 11:00:53
function Fun(){
var a = {};
return a;
var super = Fun();
Who should be added to at this timesuper
我想大声告诉你2017-05-18 11:00:53
Writing like this is equivalent to rewriting the prototype chain of super_robot, which cannot be regarded as an extension. Originally, super_robot.__proto__ pointed to Function.prototype. After rewriting, super_robot.__proto__ pointed to the incoming data object. It can be said that after rewriting, super_robot can no longer be regarded as a It is a real function. Now it cannot use the methods on the Function prototype, such as call, apply, bind, etc.
console.log( super_robot instanceof Function ); // false
console.log( super_robot.call ); // undefined
If you extend it, you should write say.__proto__.name = name, say.__proto__.age = age, which is equivalent to Function.prototype.name = name, Function.prototype.age = age, but this will make all function instances accessible. Two attributes, so it is generally not recommended to expand like this