Dear seniors, hello everyone.
I am writing an interface for a Django project. I want to release a table called info through the interface, so that other platforms can pass data to the info table through this interface.
But the org field in the info table has a primary and foreign key relationship with another table Org. It can only get values from the Org table and cannot create it by itself. At present, I can access the interface through the URL and view all the information in the info table. However, when submitting the test via POST, the org field cannot be submitted and an error is always reported.
I would like to ask you how to handle this field and how to define the creation method of InfoSerializer in
This is my first time writing restful api. I modified it after learning from it online. Please give me your advice.
1.model design
class Org(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(verbose_name=u"组织单元", max_length=50)
other = models.CharField(verbose_name=u"备注", max_length=30)
class Info(models.Model):
datetime = models.DateTimeField(verbose_name=u"时间",
name = models.CharField(verbose_name=u"主机名称", max_length=50)
ip = models.CharField(verbose_name=u"主机地址", max_length=20)
org = models.ForeignKey(Org, verbose_name=u"所属单元")
desc = models.CharField(verbose_name=u"故障描述", max_length=200)
type = models.CharField(verbose_name=u"故障等级", choices=((u"严重",u"严重"),(u"告警",u"告警"),(u"提醒",u"提醒")), max_length=2)
class OrgSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Org
fields = ('id','name')
class InfoSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
org = OrgSerializer()
class Meta:
model = Info
fields = ('id','name','ip','org','desc','type')
read_only_fields = ('org',)
def create(self, validated_data):
validated_data['org'] = self.context['request'].org
return Info.objects.create(**validated_data)
class OrgViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
queryset = Org.objects.all()
serializer_class = OrgSerializer
permission_classes = (permissions.IsAuthenticated,)
class InfoViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
queryset = Info.objects.all()
serializer_class = InfoSerializer
permission_classes = (permissions.IsAuthenticated,)
def plaintext(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
model = self.get_object()
return Response(repr(model))
给我你的怀抱2017-05-18 10:59:29
In class Meta
中添加depth = 1
, and then specify the corresponding field name.
See official documentation for details