Thinkphp framework used
//$condition = array();
//I('brand') ? $condition['brand_id'] = I('brand') : false;
//$condition['brand_id'] =80;
//I('func') ? $condition['func'] = I('func') : false;
//I('price') ? $condition['shop_price'] = I('price') : false;
//$gList = M('Goods')->where($condition)->select();
//echo "<pre>";
//echo "</pre>";
I wrote it like this, but it cannot be a multi-select query with multiple conditions. Please tell me how to write sql. The best tp sql writing method
给我你的怀抱2017-05-18 10:48:17
In fact, I have never done multi-select box filtering, but it should be possible to do this:
Which brand is selected, just pass the ID, separated by ',', and then do processing in the background to get all the IDs,
then use in Grammar $where['brand_id'] = array('in',array($id1,$id2,));
高洛峰2017-05-18 10:48:17
I don’t know TP grammar, so I can’t write anything to you.
Multiple selections under one condition, in sql, just use in
, that’s itin
,就可以了 where brand IN ('a','b') AND fun IN('1','2')
where brand IN ('a','b') AND fun IN('1', '2')
过去多啦不再A梦2017-05-18 10:48:17
Multiple conditions, think carefully about what multi-conditions are in MySQL and. Then when you use TP, declare a $where=array();
$where['age']='test_age'...etc. Then just find($where) directly
$where['brand_id'] = array('in',array($id1,$id2,)); Or you haven't read the full TP manual