Using lxml to capture Chinese characters, the result is very painful, I don’t know how to deal with it...
p=html.xpath("//aside")[1].xpath("./p") #结果为[<Element p at 0x7bf01c8>, <Element p at 0x78f4408>, <Element p at 0x69db388>]
p[0].xpath("./span/text()") #这个是想要抓取的字符
The result is captured like this [u'\xe6\x80\xa7\xe8\xb4\xa8']
unicode but the content is str encoding, how to convert this thing into Chinese?
Normally it should be '\xe6\x80\xa7\xe8\xb4\xa8' or u'\u6027\u8d28'
淡淡烟草味2017-05-18 10:46:31
''.join(map(lambda x:chr(x), map(lambda x:ord(x), u'\xe6\x80\xa7\xe8\xb4\xa8'))).decode('utf-8')
滿天的星座2017-05-18 10:46:31
When this happens, it’s usually because requests have guessed the wrong encoding of the web page
So just specify the encoding of requests.
res.encoding ='utf-8'
In [33]: comUrl=""
...: res=requests.get(comUrl)
...: res.encoding ='utf-8'
...: html=etree.HTML(res.text)
...: p=html.xpath("//aside")[1].xpath("./p") #结果为[<Element p at 0x7b
...: f01c8>, <Element p at 0x78f4408>, <Element p at 0x69db388>]
...: p[0].xpath("./span/text()") #这个是想要抓取的字符
Out[33]: [u'\u6027\u8d28']
In [34]: print _[0]