I use sudo apachectl start to start apache, and then use a browser to access It prompts that the connection cannot be made. What is the possible reason? Below is the process I checked
Rex-TsaomatoiMac:usr rextsao$ ps aux | grep httpd
rextsao 12562 0.0 0.0 2444052 768 s000 S+ 5:42PM 0:00.00 grep http
Please help
高洛峰2017-05-16 17:03:13
Thank you everyone, I solved this problem and found a useful command on google apachectl configtest
. With the help of this command, I solved the problem step by step. This command should be under the mac environment.
巴扎黑2017-05-16 17:03:13
You haven’t started it at all. If the bind port of the program on Mac is less than 1024, you need sudo