PHPSTUDY installed,
APACHE will automatically stop after a while after starting.
I checked the method online and ran it in the APACHE directory httpd.exe -w -n "Apache2a" -k start
After that
No error is reported, but it will stop automatically after running for a few seconds.
Front experience in setting up an environment...
How to solve this problem?
Using PHPSTUDY's built-in port check, no port conflict was found.
PHPz2017-05-16 17:01:59
Apache common running error: The complete execution path cannot contain Chinese characters. Please check if this is the problem.
PHP中文网2017-05-16 17:01:59
1. The website root directory is set to the existing folder
DocumentRoot "F:/Webpage"
2. Access permission is given to all
<Directory "F:/Webpage">
Allow from all
3. There is also the execution path mentioned above
Except for ports and virtual hosts, these are the only things I can think of at the moment