1. Define a class QrCode.php
under app\Libraires<?php
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: AIMPER
* Date: 2016/11/30
* Time: 10:13
namespace App\Libaries;
use Endroid\QrCode;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
class QrCode{
public static function generateQrCode($type = null, $id = null){
$code = random_string(32,true);
$create_date = time();
$expires = 0;
$qrcodeType = DB::table('qrcode_type')->where('id','=',$type)->select('code','params')-first();
return $qrcodeType;
2. Call the method of this class
use App\Libaries\QrCode;
class TestController extends Controller{
public function index(){
3. Error message
ReflectionException in Route.php line 286:
Class App\Libaries\QrCode does not exist
4. Solution attempt
I have used composer dump-autoload, but the class still cannot be loaded. How can I automatically load custom classes into the project?
迷茫2017-05-16 16:51:26
Classes obtained through dependency injection in routing need to be registered with the container.
滿天的星座2017-05-16 16:51:26
Check the settings of the composer.json file in the project root directory.
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"App\": "app/"
And the error occurred during the route definition process. You need to check the settings of route.php