layout.html.twig If there are public parts such as sidebars that need to be queried and displayed, what is the best way to operate them?
世界只因有你2017-05-16 16:48:16
Two methods:
1. Separate a .twig file (such as test.twig) in the layout where data needs to be read from the database, and use the render Controller method in the layout:
{{ render(controller('AppBundle:ControllerName:MethodName', { 'params': 3 })) }}
In ControllerName::MethodName render test.twig file:
public function MethodName($params)
$repository = $this->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager')
return $this->render('AppBundle:ControllerName:test.twig', array(
'result' => $repository->findByParams($params)
2. Use the KernelResponse event to dynamically add global variables
public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container)
// container 需要通过 service.yml 注入
$this->container = $container;
public function onKernelResponse()
$twig = $this->container->get('twig');
$em = $this->container->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager');
$repository = $em->getRepository('AppBundle:EntityName');
$twig->addGlobal('result', $repository->findByParams());
Only the core code is written, you also need to configure the service