Symfony src/bundle/Resource/public Add js/css/image file, what command is synchronized to the web/ folder?
I am not familiar with symfony. Now add the resource files in the src/ directory and web/.
阿神2017-05-16 16:48:04
$ php app/console assetic:dump
For detailed documentation, see:
Friendly advice is to read the document thoroughly before writing code, which will be more efficient:)
assetic:dump is provided by Symfony's AsseticBundle (relying on kriswallsmith's Assetic):, which has more functions, such as splicing files, compressing files, and image processing.
assets:install is provided by Symfony's FrameworkBundle:, which is responsible for copying files to the public web directory (symlink can also be used under nix)
高洛峰2017-05-16 16:48:04
Create shortcuts to static resources in the /web directory
app/console assets:install web --symlink
Merge resource files (in prod mode)
app/console assetic:dump --env=prod