As the question goes, how do you configure your VIM?
Used to write common scripts such as Python/Ruby/Shell.
ringa_lee2017-05-16 16:45:12
I just used the simplest configuration~~No plug-ins installed. Use both command line and gvim
syntax on set nocompatible set number set autoindent set smartindent set showmatch set hls set incsearch set shiftwidth=4 set ts=4 set ruler set mousehide set mouse=v set encoding=utf-8 set fileencodings=utf-8,chinese,latin-1 set visualbell if has("gui_running") set cursorline colorscheme murphy set background=dark set guifont=YaHei\ Consolas\ Hybrid:h14 highlight Cursorline guibg=grey15 set guioptions-=T set fileformat=unix set lines=49 set columns=140 set mouse=a endif
黄舟2017-05-16 16:45:12
You can consider my vimrc configuration file on github