Like Sublime and Webstorm, when you open it, it will be in the same state as when you last closed it?
I think this is quite practical, because basically I open the same project every time.
过去多啦不再A梦2017-05-16 16:43:03
:mksession will save a Session.vim in the current directory. Just vim -S Session.vim next time will be fine
迷茫2017-05-16 16:43:03
autocmd BufReadPost *
\ if line("'\"") > 1 && line("'\"") <= line("$") |
\ exe "normal! g`\"" |
\ endif
天蓬老师2017-05-16 16:43:03
Okay, I found an easier way:
Update: I found that the above method is still not easy to use,
Finally, I found the artifact,
我想大声告诉你2017-05-16 16:43:03
vim fileName, save after editing, the next time you open the editing position will keep the position when you last closed it