How to solve the problem that vim cannot use airline under tmux, the buffer of the picture is not highlighted, Google found that it is incompatible with tmux
If I don’t open tmux, the display is normal
Plugin 'vim-airline/vim-airline'
Plugin 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes'
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1
黄舟2017-05-16 16:37:34
Possibilities that can be thought of:
Check your terminal configuration first. . Is it only
vim 里是只有airline
that has a problem? Are there any problems with syntax recognition and highlighting?
Check the .vimrc
里 color
attribute settings
If the above is ok, do it in vim :color
或者 :colorscheme
. Press tab and see if anything happens. If you execute it directly, it may be possible to restore them to default (if you have configured the things in the color folder yourself)
If it still doesn’t solve the problem, try reinstalling the plug-in. It is possible that your color pattern cannot be found. So there is no color
If none of the above can be solved. . Try :scriptnames
and see if all your scripts are loaded. . Mainly depends on whether the color matching is loaded