As shown in the picture, I created the directory ABC and two files de,
When I,
cd A
vim .
:pwd #这里显示的是A
#<leader>p ctrlp的快捷键搜索当前目录下的子文件,打开文件d
:pwd #这时候显示的是 /A/B 因此这时候我想通过ctrlp搜索目录下的其他文件的时候就搜索不到了,例如搜不到上述例子中的文件e
The vimrc configuration file does not have a setting item for set autochildir
巴扎黑2017-05-16 16:36:01
I saw these two lines of code in my vimrc configuration
autocmd BufEnter * cd %:p:h
Sure enough, you have to configure the configuration yourself, don’t copy and paste other people’s directly. . .