MyPlugin.install = function (Vue, options) {
// 1. 添加全局方法或属性
Vue.myGlobalMethod = function () {
// 逻辑...
// 2. 添加全局资源
Vue.directive('my-directive', {
bind (el, binding, vnode, oldVnode) {
// 逻辑...
// 3. 注入组件
created: function () {
// 逻辑...
// 4. 添加实例方法
Vue.prototype.$myMethod = function (options) {
// 逻辑...
What are the differences between 1, 2, and 4 here?
phpcn_u15822017-05-16 13:39:57
Let me explain it briefly:
1 Global method, which can be understood as window. myGlobalMethod
一样,通过 Vue.myGlobalMethod
to call, is just a static method defined under Vue
2 Global resources. In the example, a global directive is defined. For details, please refer to the custom directive chapter of vue. There is no difference. It just means that a directive is also defined in your plug-in. Of course, you can also define filters and other operations. It all depends on what you want to do with this plug-in
4 Instance method, recall the concept of class in JS and the meaning of prototype prototype chain. If you don’t understand it, let’s take a look at these basic contents first.
Here I can explain it to you like this, instance methods can be called inside the component through this.$myMethod
阿神2017-05-16 13:39:57
Global method = static method of class
Global resources = global instructions, which are instructions similar to v-for, but customized
Global instance method = instance method of class
Second point, please look directly at the chapter of vue custom instructions. 1 and 3 are JavaScript content, please find the reference book by yourself.