Local address: localhost:8180/index.php?m=get_more_video&type_name=good_show
The interface address I want to map: www.999d.com/events/2017chunwan_program/index.php?m=get_more_video&type_name=good_show
Which master knows how to write this matching? I tried some regular writing methods but none of them are right. The picture below is what I wrote:
I tried the query parameter again. There is also no matching pair.
为情所困2017-05-16 13:38:37
I tried several more times and finally succeeded. The following configuration is enough
Mapped to
www.i999d.cn:9809/events/thematic/?m= more_label_video&label_id=1&page=1
In this way, the get parameters of localhost can be passed casually, but they must also correspond to the online parameters.
PHPz2017-05-16 13:38:37
First of all, you can see the locally issued request in Charles. If not, it means that your Charles itself is not configured correctly. Then, use a browser to access the request you want to proxy. At this time, the request will appear on Charles. , right-click on this request, there is a map remote at the bottom, click in and fill in the target address below
PHP中文网2017-05-16 13:38:37
Well, it depends on what you mean. It is enough to only map the domain name and port root directory. No parameters are needed. Moreover, Charles is relatively stubborn. Whatever he writes is mapped, and he cannot do dynamic mapping.