The svn server is set up and tomcat is also set up.
Idea: Every time svn uploads the project, it will be automatically deployed to tomcat. I can access my project through the external network, just like accessing the website (https://server IP:8080/project name).
I searched on the website and it said to check out an svn to the web directory, but when I checked out, the path did not exist: here are some operations;
Repository: /var/svn/svnrepos
web directory: /data/wwwroot/default
check out operation: svn co svn://localhost/svnrepos /data/wwwroot/default
error reporting that the path does not exist
svn: E170000: URL 'svn://localhost/svnrepos' doesn't exist
What's the problem? svn and tomcat were built based on Alibaba's manual, and there is no problem.
淡淡烟草味2017-05-16 13:20:23
Is there any problem with your svn
是部署在同一个机器上的吗? 是通过svn钩子 实现提交代码,自动check out到tomcat
你试下在tomcat的那个目录, 执行下check out
仓库拉下代码吧? 如果可以的话, 再排错你触发check out
action tool or script