The previous fatal error problem was solved because there was a problem with the database, but no matter what I entered, it always jumped directly to this page. . . Logically speaking, it should not jump to the login success page. . ?
< /p>
< /p>
The following is DB.php.
< /p>
< /p>
< /p>
The following is login.php.
< /p>
高洛峰2017-05-16 13:11:51
The fatal error has been resolved. . . . . It seems to be a problem with mysql (ι´Д`)ノ. . . . .
Using this method to solve the database problem. . .
After many days of query and research, I found out why there was no data response. . .
Because my php couldn't get the data transmitted by post for some reason. Later, it was solved by changing it to get. As for the post issue, it is still under study. . . . . . .