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php - 有谁知道在小京东上如何调用阿里大于的短信验证码接口吗,有谁用过吗

INSERT INTO `ecs_shop_config` (`id`, `parent_id`, `code`, `type`, `store_range`, `store_dir`, `value`, `sort_order`) VALUES
(19, 0, 'dayu', 'group', '', '', '', 1),
(2000, 19, 'appkey', 'text', '', '', '', 1),
(2001, 19, 'secretKey', 'password', '', '', '', 1),
(2002, 19, 'dayu_shop_mobile', 'text', '', '', '18530181714', 1),
(2003, 19, 'dayu_order_placed', 'select', '1,0', '', '1', 5),
(2004, 19, 'dayu_order_payed', 'select', '1,0', '', '1', 7),
(2005, 19, 'dayu_order_shipped', 'select', '1,0', '', '1', 9),
(2006, 19, 'dayu_order_placed_tpl', 'text', '', '', 'SMS_4535139', 6),
(2007, 19, 'dayu_order_payed_tpl', 'text', '', '', 'SMS_4535140', 8),
(2008, 19, 'dayu_order_pay', 'select', '1,0', '', '1', 11),
(2009, 19, 'dayu_order_pay_tpl', 'text', '', '', 'SMS_4535144', 12),
(2011, 19, 'dayu_sign', 'text', '', '', '', 1),
(2012, 19, 'dayu_zhuce', 'select', '1,0', '', '1', 1),
(2013, 19, 'dayu_zhuce_tpl', 'text', '', '', '', 2),
(2010, 19, 'dayu_order_shipped_tpl', 'text', '', '', 'SMS_4535141', 10);

INSERT INTO `ecs_shop_config` (`id`, `parent_id`, `code`, `type`, `store_range`, `store_dir`, `value`, `sort_order`) VALUES(2014, 19, 'dayu_xiugai', 'select', '1,0', '', '1', 13),
(2015, 19, 'dayu_xiugai_tpl', 'text', '', '', '', 14);

INSERT INTO `ecs_shop_config` (`id`, `parent_id`, `code`, `type`, `store_range`, `store_dir`, `value`, `sort_order`) VALUES(2016, 19, 'dayu_bangding', 'select', '1,0', '', '1', 15),
(2017, 19, 'dayu_bangding_tpl', 'text', '', '', '', 16);


滿天的星座滿天的星座2686 days ago584

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  • 为情所困

    为情所困2017-05-16 13:06:05

    This can be called directly using Alibaba’s PHP version of the SDK. What’s the problem?

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