Mac升级PHP到7.1.4后,配置php.ini文件中date.timezone = PRC并重启apache后显示时间仍为欧洲时间,问:该版本时区设置如何生效?
PHPz2017-05-16 13:02:30
It has nothing to do with PHP 7.1. It has been like this since 5.1;
I tested it specifically after you just said it
Default timezone The default is UTC;
phpinfo output must be UTC;
Open PHPini ctrl+g line 925 and modify it to:
date.timezone = "PRC";
Or set it globally
echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
Running environment 7.0.24
by liberxue
PHPz2017-05-16 13:02:30
Make sure the modified configuration file php.ini is the path displayed by phpinfo? There are also modifications that require restarting apache
ringa_lee2017-05-16 13:02:30
List items
The php.ini path is definitely correct, but it is invalid after modification.
List items
Use: date_default_timezone_set('PRC') can take effect, but it must be set every time.
Running version: PHP7.1.4