I feel like these have no impact on the code
PHPz2017-05-16 13:01:52
"md" is the extension of the Markdown file, and ReadMe.md is an introduction to the project. Introduce others to what your project does and how to use it. License is authorization. If others want to use your code, do they have to pay you, etc. .gitignore tells git which files not to submit when submitting.
If you have anything else you don’t know, please leave it in the comments
PHP中文网2017-05-16 13:01:52
md is a Markdown file, a markup language that is very convenient for writing notes.
The md file in GitHub is mainly used to explain the usage and introduction of the project to users. This file has no impact on the code, but if it is missing, users can only judge the intention of your project by reading the code.