Previous projects have always used the phalcon framework and the volt template engine. When assigning variables, they always use the
double curly bracket assignment, such as {{data}}
I recently saw vue, I feel that the function is still very powerful. I want to access it and use it on multiple pages, but vue Double braces {{}} are also used when assigning values to variables.
This will cause conflicts. When the server compiles, the template will be compiled first.
I would like to ask if anyone has encountered a similar situation? Is there anything? Good solution
世界只因有你2017-05-16 13:00:50
I just read the documentation. Vue supports custom separators. Thanks for the solution @
世界只因有你2017-05-16 13:00:50
I have never used the phalcon framework
But there will definitely be conflicts
After roughly browsing the document, I think it can be solved using literals{{ "{{" }}
Looking forward to better solutions