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php - Nginx 设置open_basedir跨站限制问题

我根据网上的提供的 Nginx配置的代码 在nginx 做了如下配置:

fastcgi_param PHP_ADMIN_VALUE "open_basedir=$document_root/:/tmp/:/proc/";

但是我发现 在Amazon EC2上设置就可,在腾讯云设置就不行 ,Amazon EC2 Lnmp环境用的是一键环境包,腾讯云是自己编译安装的 。

phpinfo() 打印 Amazon EC 上的显示的open_basedir都是有值的 ,但是腾讯云上配置的 就全是 no value

但是在 php.ini中配置就可以,我实在想不明白明白了,改重启的也重启了。

难道是Nginx版本的问题? Amazon的Nginx版本是 1.10 , 腾讯云的Nginx版本是 1.12。

習慣沉默習慣沉默2751 days ago711

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  • 漂亮男人

    漂亮男人2017-05-16 12:05:05


    set php open_basedir

    fastcgi_param PHP_ADMIN_VALUE "open_basedir=$document_root/:/tmp/:/proc/"; (The following directories can be set by yourself, such as open_basedir=/home/wwww/:/tmp/, etc.)

    Restricted directory: open_basedir =/var/www/sina/:/var/www/wangyi/:/var/www/logs/session/. If it is apache, you can use php_admin_value open_basedir to limit

    These are the standard, correct settings. If the relevant VPS cloud is not working, it should be because of the server, it is restricted or something happened.

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