我的做法是在一张图片下面的静态页面,只是把中间黄色部分用ng-show来控制显和隐藏,来模拟三种不同的状态,但是从一个账号切换到其它一个账号状态的时候,需要F5强制刷新下页面才能变到新的页面状态,对这个问题想了很久,有什么办法可以实现在程序中进行强制刷新,看了很多方法了,$scope.apply,$scope.digest(),reload true这些方法,但是网上的方法总是云里雾里,不知道该如何去解决这个bug,请教下各位!
console.log('state 状态0 注册未交押金');
else if($scope.state==1){//已交押金,未实名认证
console.log('state 状态1 已交押金,未实名认证');
else if($scope.state==2){//完成实名认证
console.log('state 状态2 完成实名认证');
習慣沉默2017-05-15 17:16:24
Set the cache status of the page to false on the routing, and also re-obtain the data when you enter the page. Is your status value obtained through routing parameters or obtained from the server when entering the page? The relevant code cannot be sent on the mobile phone, please look for the relevant content yourself, please forgive me.
高洛峰2017-05-15 17:16:24
If the data of $scope.state comes from the interface
Query the interface again to refresh the state