1. The search function in the project can search according to the parameters returned by the background
2. Now we can only search in a single field (request data). How to deal with multiple fields? Is it a filter to search in multiple fields? How to do it specifically?
Part of the code is as follows
<p class="form-search m-t-xs m-b-xs inline">
<input type="text" class="s_input bg-white-only" placeholder="请房间号或患者名字" ng-model="searchInfos.name" ng-keyup="myKeyup($event)">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-search input_enter_icon" ng-click="search()"></i>
$scope.search = function () {
$scope.searchInfos.page = 1; //点击搜索时,传给后台的P参数置为1
$scope.currentPage = 1;